Storey occupancy system
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Parking space occupancy systems
Storey occupancy system
Internal boards and external pylons are characterized by a high standard of workmanship and the use of high-quality LED matrices. The display can show the free number of parking spaces within the entire parking lot or individual floors. The place of installation of the displays are usually the main entrances and passages within the entire parking lot or individual floors

The display shows the number of free parking spaces within the nearest area of the parking lot. The place of installation of the display should be the transit road in the parking lot, from which transverse alleys with parking spaces depart. A driver driving a transit aisle sees several displays from a distance and, based on their indications, can decide to choose a parking aisle. Further, within one alley with parking spaces, the primary indication are the signals of individual spaces along the alley
The display can show the free number of parking spaces within the external and internal car park, divided into floors and indicated zones. All projects are made according to the customer's personalized requirements and in accordance with the standards of visual identification